
God is good

Day Six

The second day with the Medifast diet went well. I stayed busy and I did not worry if I followed the plan exactly. What I mean to say is that I substituted other diet options for those that were in Medifast. It was probably a mistake to "start" as soon as I got the program directions, menus, etc. I had not shopped but I could not shop until I got all the instructions. Since shopping is quite an ordeal when you are in a wheelchair, I decided to do what I could to make the day successful. "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." My caregiver came over and we cleaned out all the shelves, pantry, etc. and boxed up foods that are not on the program. Except for Healthy Choice and Lean cuisine frozen meals - I am set. The diabetic program I am on is 5 + 2 +2. This means that I must drink 5 shakes a day, eat 2 lean and green meals, and I can have 2 snacks. That is a great deal to think about - so for now I am supplementing some of the frozen dinners for the lean and green meals, sometimes adding extra veggies. I know canned veggies are not ideal but they will work in a pinch and I have about 25 cans that can fit well into the program. We worked hard today and the kitchen is organized and ready to go. I still need to shop weekly for fresh veggies and salad making materials but I will think about that on Monday when the caregiver comes back.

Listening to my YouTube playlist of Christian music helped me keep my momentum today. There were a few low periods. I am still going through boxes from my parent's house. There is so much to shred but in between 30 year old utility bills are pictures, notes, and other items that someone in the family might want. I think that if I can scan a great deal of the documents, notes, and pictures ~ the family members can pick which information or items that they want to print. That is a task that will have to wait. I am mostly sorting through paper work for garbage, filing, or shredding. At least the boxes that are left will be well labeled and organized. These should fit well in the garage. I am hoping to have roommates by September 1st, so there is a time crunch. I was not overwhelmed as much today. I cried a few times when I found pictures or notes, but that is OK.

Over all I feel tired but encouraged today.

John 4: 10,13-14 ~ Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. ... Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

I have always loved this passage because so many of the people that Jesus stopped to talk to were broken. He met them by the roadside or under a tree and just began to speak. Everyday settings but unbelievable words of life. The formula for change and eternal life! That we have the gospel to read is a daily feast. I am thankful every day for His word of life. God is good ~ all the time. Psalm 116:5 ~ "How kind the Lord is! How good He is! So merciful, this God of ours!"

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